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NIM (Student Number)G1H013007
AbstrakLatar Belakang: Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia sebesar 26,5% pada tahun 2013. Penyakit hipertensi merupakan penyakit kardiovaskular yang tidak dapat disembuhkan tetapi hanya bisa dikendalikan. Hipertensi sampai saat ini belum ditemukan terapi yang efektif. Hipertensi belum diketahui faktor penyebabnya, namun ditemukan beberapa faktor resiko yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya tekanan darah tinggi yaitu usia lanjut dan adanya riwayat tekanan darah tinggi dalam keluarga. Cara memasak atau cara pengolahan makanan menjadi salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh pada kejadian hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat asupan lemak dan natrium serta jenis pengolahan makanan yang sering dikonsumsi oleh penderita hipertensi dan non hipertensi di Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara Metodologi: Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan study cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling adalah 57 kelompok hipertensi dan 57 kelompok non hipertensi. Data didapat dari formulir recall 24 jam dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-whitney. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata tingkat asupan lemak (%) pada penderita hipertensi sebesar 104,70±35,69 dan non hipertensi sebesar 101,70±30 sedangkan rata-rata tingkat asupan natrium (%) pada penderita hipertensi sebesar 126,40±31,42 dan non hipertensi 96,47±29,99. Distribusi frekuensi jenis pengolahan makanan pada penderita hipertensi yang berisiko sebesar 87,7% dan tidak berisiko 12,3% sedangkan pada non hipertensi yang berisiko sebesar 64,9% dan non hipertensi sebesar 35,1%. Kesimpulan: Tingkat asupan natrium dan jenis pengolahan makanan berbeda antara penderita hipertensi dan non hipertensi sedangkan tingkat asupan lemak tidak berbeda antara penderita hipertensi dan non hipertensi. Asupan natrium berpengaruh terhadap tekanan darah. Kata Kunci : Hipertensi, Non Hipertensi, Tingkat Asupan Lemak, Tingkat Asupan Natrium dan Jenis Pengolahan Makanan.
Abstrak (Inggris)ABSTRACT Background : Hypertension is one of the most apprehensive that is currently being a global burden in the world. In Indonesia, the prevalence of hypertension is about 26.5% in 2013. Hypertension is a cardiovascular desease with no medical treatment nor a traditional one, but can be controlled with some certain treatment. There is no currently effective treatment for hypertension. The main causes of hypertension are not found yet, but the risk factor can be frequently found on the elderly age and the peoples with a family hypertension history. The type of food processing could be very risked factors on hypertension. This study aims to know the different on amount of fat and sodium intake and the type of food processing, which often consumed hypertension and non hypertension person on the elder peoples with and without hypertension at North Purwokerto Regency. Methodology: This study used the cross-sectional approach. Purposive Sampling technique is the methode to determine the sample amount that brought out 57 elder peoples each for hypertension and non-hypertension group. The datas were obtained by using Recall 24 hours form and analyzed by Mann-Whitney statistical test. Results: The results showed the average percentage of fat intake on the hypertension group is 104.70±35.69, and 101.70±30 on the non-hypertension group, while the average percentage of sodium intake on the hypertension group is 126.40±31,42, and on the non-hypertension group is 96.47±29.99. The frequent distrubution of food processing on the hypertension group is 87.7% at risk division and 12.3% at non-risk division, while on the non-hypertension group is 64.9% at risk division and 35.1% at non-risk division. Conclusion: Sodium intake level and type of food processing were different between hypertension and non-hypertension group, while the fat intake level were not different between hypertension and non-hypertension group. Sodium intake brought out effect on blood pressure. Keywords: Hypertension, non-hypertension, fat intake level, sodium intake level, type of food processing.
Kata KunciHipertensi, Non Hipertensi, Tingkat Asupan Lemak, Tingkat Asupan Natrium dan Jenis Pengolahan Makanan.
Nama Pembimbing 1Dr. Saryono, S.Kep., M.Kes
Nama Pembimbing 2Dr. Ir. Hidayah Dwiyanti, M.Si
Jumlah Halaman8
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