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NIM (Student Number)G1H014005
Nama MahasiswaAMALIA ULFA
AbstrakLatar Belakang: Jelly drink adalah minuman yang digemari anak sekolah. Jelly drink terong belanda dengan bahan alami tinggi vitamin C sebagai minuman sehat untuk anak sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proporsi pepaya, konsentrasi gula pasir terhadap jelly drink yang disukai dan sifat fisikokimia formulasi terbaik serta sumbangan vitamin C per takaran saji terhadap AKG. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor yaitu proporsi terong belanda : pepaya (A) sebesar 70% : 30% (A1); 60% : 40% (A2); 50% : 50% (A3), konsentrasi gula (B) sebesar 10% (B1); 15% (B2); 20% (B3), didapat 9 kombinasi perlakuan diulang 2x diperoleh 18 unit percobaan. Variabel organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan Uji Friedman, jika berbeda signifikan dilanjut dengan Uji Banding Ganda 5% dan produk terbaik menggunakan uji Indeks Efektifitas. Hasil: Kombinasi perlakuan proporsi terong belanda : pepaya dengan konsentrasi gula pasir memberikan pengaruh berbeda terhadap sifat organoleptik warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa dan kesukaan. Kesimpulan: Perlakuan yang menghasilkan produk jelly drink terbaik yaitu proporsi pepaya 50% dan konsentrasi gula pasir 15% (A3B2) dengan sifat organoleptik warna merah kekuningan; tekstur kenyal; aroma sedikit kuat; rasa manis; dan kesukaan disukai dengan sifat fisikokimia pH 4; gula reduksi 2,87%; viskositas 1520 cP. Produk ini memberikan sumbangan vitamin C sebesar 63,670,7% AKG dengan takaran saji 140-157 ml.
Abstrak (Inggris)Background: Jelly drink is a popular drink for school children. Tamarillo jelly drink with high natural ingredients of vitamin C as a healthy drink for school children. This research aims to determine the proportion of papaya and sugar concentration and physicocemical that is preferred and vitamin C every serving size to AKG. Methods: This research used Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors were examined that consist of proportion tamarillo: papaya (A) of 70%: 30% (A1); 60%: 40% (A2); 50%: 50% (A3), sugar (B) with amount of 10% (B1); 15% (B2); 20% (B3). Obtain six combinations of treatments that were repeated in two times to wich obtained 18 units experiment. Organoleptic variable analysis used Friedman test, if there were significant different continued by Comparative Test Dual 5% and the best product used Effectiveness Index test . Results: The combination of the treatment proportion of tamarillo : papaya has different effect on the organoleptic variables of color, texture, smell, taste and preference. Conclusion: The treatment that produces the best jelly drink product is the proportion of papaya 50% and the concentration of sugar 15% (A3B2) with organoleptic properties of yellowish red color; chewy texture; smell slightly strong; sweetness; and prefered preference with physicochemical properties pH 4; reducing sugar 2.87% and viscosity 1520 cP. This product provides a vitamin C contribution of 63.6-70.7% AKG with a serving size 140-157 ml.
Kata KunciSchool children, jelly drink, tamarillo, papaya, vitamin C
Nama Pembimbing 1Indah Nuraeni, S.TP., M.Sc
Nama Pembimbing 2Atikah Proverawati, SKM., MPH
Jumlah Halaman10
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