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NIM (Student Number)L1A006081
AbstrakBentuk perlindungan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan tenaga kerja diselenggarakan dalam bentuk program (Jamsostek). Penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan di Jamsostek bekerja sama dengan PPK I. Rendahnya utilisasi kunjungan peserta disebabkan rendahnya kualitas pelayanan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui persepsi kualitas pelayanan PPK I sebagai penyedia layanan kesehatan bagi peserta Jamsostek di wilayah Purwokerto. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan terdiri dari 4 Informan (peserta Jamsostek) dan 3 Informan Kunci (Dokter). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari dimensi tangible (penampilan fisik) di PPK I bagus, dilihat dari kondisi lantai dan kamar mandi bersih dan wangi, alat-alat yang dipakai lengkap dan bersih, penampilan petugas bersih dan rapi, ruang tunggu memadai, dari segi interior dan exterior tertata rapi. Hasil dimensi Reliability (kehandalan) yaitu pelayanan oleh Dokter atau petugas kesehatan dilakukan dengan cepat dan segera, diagnosa dokter akurat. Hasil dimensi Responsiveness (daya tanggap) yaitu Dokter mendengarkan keluhan pasien, informasi yang diberikan Dokter jelas, pemberitahuan keterlambatan dari Dokter disampaikan oleh petugas pelayanan. Hasil dimensi Assurance (kepastian) yaitu Dokter di PPK 1 ramah, sabar, dan sopan, pasien percaya dengan pelayanan dan obat yang diberikan Dokter, pasien merasa nyaman, aman dan cocok berobat di PPK 1. Hasil dimensi Emphaty (empati) yaitu Dokter di PPK 1 memiliki sifat komunikatif, selalu menanyakan keadaan pasien dan belum pernah terjadi kesalahan pemeriksaan. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi peserta Jamsostek tentang kualitas pelayanan di PPK I bagus. PPK I di wilayah Purwokerto lebih memperluas ruang periksa atau ruang tunggu. PT. Jamsostek lebih rutin melaksanakan evaluasi kinerja PPK I setiap bulan.
Abstrak (Inggris)Form of protection, and welfare improvement of the labor was organized in the form of programs (Jamsostek). Organization ofhealth services conducted in Jamsostek cooperation with the PPK I. The low rate of visit utilization memberbecause of the low quality of existing services. The purpose of this study was to determine how perceptions of PPK I service quality as a provider of health care services for Jamsostek member in regionPurwokerto.This is a Qualitative research,we have 4 informan (member of jamsostek) and 3 key informan (doctors). The results showed that the tangible dimension (physical appearance) in the PPK I was good, it can be seen from the clean condition of the floors, and the bathroom , the tools are complete and clean, the workers looks clean and tidy, the waiting room quite adequate, aspect of interior and exterior are quite well organized. Reliability dimensional results that the services provided by doctors or other health care executive was done quickly and promptly, diagnosis is accurate. Responsiveness dimensional results that a doctors listening to patient complaints, the Doctors information provided is quite clear, doctors delays of service notice delivered by the other health care.Assurance dimensional Results (certainty) that doctors in PPK I are friendly, patient and polite, patients believe the services and medications provided by doctors, patients feel comfortable, safe and suitable treatment in PPK I. Emphaty dimensional results (empathy) that is doctor in PPK I has a communicative nature, always ask the patient and unprecedented examination error of doctor. Overall it can be concluded thatperceptions of PPK I service quality as a provider of health care services for Jamsostek member was good. PPK I in regionPurwokerto further expand the examination room or waiting room. PT. Jamsostek more routinely carry out performance evaluation of the PPK I monthly.
Kata Kuncipersepsi, peserta , jamsostek, kualitas PPK I
Nama Pembimbing 1Arih Diyaning Intiasari, SKM, MPH
Nama Pembimbing 2Drs.Heryanto,M.SI
Jumlah Halaman18
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